
2011年1月11日—',orgobacktwousing'cd..',etc.;aliaspushdd=pushd-$PWD>/dev/nullaliascd='pushdd;cd'aliasssh='ssh-A'aliassoc='source ...,2012年9月19日—Oneannoyancewiththisaliasisthatsimplytypingcdwilltwiddlethedirectorystackinsteadofbringingyoutoyourhomedirectory.,2017年5月19日—Toexecuteacommandwithaspecificworkingdirectory,oneusuallydoes(cddirectory&&utility).Theparenthesesaroundt...

pushpop current directory?

2011年1月11日 — ... cd.', or go back two using 'cd..', etc.; alias pushdd=pushd -$PWD > /dev/null alias cd='pushdd;cd' alias ssh='ssh -A' alias soc='source ...

replace cd in bash to (silent) pushd

2012年9月19日 — One annoyance with this alias is that simply typing cd will twiddle the directory stack instead of bringing you to your home directory.

Alias to CD in a directory and call a command

2017年5月19日 — To execute a command with a specific working directory, one usually does ( cd directory && utility ). The parentheses around the cd ...


在Windows PowerShell下,pushd 是 Push-Location cmdlet預定義的alias,popd 是 Pop-Location cmdlet預定義的alias。兩者與 pushd 、 popd 命令功能基本相同。 語法 ...

make cd use pushd · Issue #3697 · fish

2017年1月4日 — I find this very useful. I cannot alias pushd to cd in fish because pushd uses cd so it becomes recursive.

[SOLVED]pushd instead of cd (& alias)?

2009年6月5日 — Hi! Is there any downside to a) using pushd instead of cd b) alias it to cd ? Or can I somehow switch to the last directory with cd (more ...

Day 16:塑造我們自己的魔法捷徑:type、alias、unalias

... pushd, pwd, read, readonly, return, set, shift ... type cd cd is a shell builtin type cp cp is /usr ... 我們就可以看到跟 ls -al 一模一樣的內容囉! 要看到目前所有的 ...

Directory Navigation Using the pushd and popd Commands

2024年3月18日 — With the cd command, we could use aliases to quickly jump across directories: $ cd [alias] Copy. In here, alias could be any valid directory ...

aliasing cd to pushd

2010年11月23日 — So to answer your question, yes, I think aliasing pushd to cd is a great idea. You are unlikely to have buffer overflow issues if you are ...

How to create an bash alias for the command "cd ~1"

2019年10月20日 — I alias cd to a small function wrapping pushd . I don't know how many other people do. When used in conjunction with the alias xya I think ...